Saturday, April 18, 2009

Kensington Area Heritage Society will host a forum on Saturday, April 25th in Kensington

The Kensington Area Heritage Society will be hosting an informational forum on Sat. April 25, 2009 in Kensington's Community Center at 19 Central Ave. N.

This event is open to the public and will begin at 10:00 AM with a review of recent research pertinent to the Kensington Rune Stone. The content of the Heritage Society's archives-including the collections of Marion Dahm, Eleanor Gunderson, Dr. Tanquist, Wendell Peterson and others-will be discussed as well as the status of the Society's museum/research center.
The meeting will break at 11:30 and resume at 1:00PM. The Kensington Cafe will have specials available for attendees.
This is an annual event, originally organized as the "Viking Historical Group", and additional topics will focus on the relationship of the many so-called "mooring stones" with the Kensington Rune Stone. The Heritage Society will have the museum/research center open for tours following the afternoon session. Visitors can also visit the Rune Stone discovery site and other historic sites in the area.

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