Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hoffman Commerce and Ag minutes from 12/18

Thursday, December 18, 2008
12:00~Dew Drop Inn

Members Present: Kathy Crandall (Main Street Galleria), Randy Olson, Gordon Bredy, Ed Persons, Phil Corrigan, Dan Persons, Jeff Swenson, Kevin Hammer, Rachel Volker, Leigh Verhoeven, Deb Krusemark, Julie Fredette, Lori Reeder

New Face: Kathy Crandall joins us from Main Street Galleria. She lives by Herman/Wheaton.

Secretaries Report: Read and approved. Dan Persons, 2nd Jeff Swenson MCU

Treasurer’s Report: Funds on hand: $7,528.28

Membership Report: No change

Business Changes/
Reductions: Bob’s Appliance: Opening other half of Arnquist Building- he is going to display more items and storage for appliances. Business is going well.

Second Hand Duds: Moved to Ag room in the Hoffman Square.

Rich Bullik: Completed the remodeling of Wally’s Shoe Shop.

Healthcare Mall: Demolition is complete. They will be ready for bids on the inside soon.

Horizion Program: Some people went to special training. Hoffman is going to be on the national blog…this means great things for Hoffman. This program is going very well.

Events Scheduled
(not done yet): Snowman/woman Contest: Brent and Rachel Volker will be heading this event. We are going to wait until the cold weather tames down a bit.

Fishing Outing: We will have to reschedule for next year.

Picnic in the Park: Will need to be rescheduled for next year.

Events not Scheduled: Holiday Train/Food Shelf Donation

Skate Exchange: Brent and Rachel Volker will help out with this event.

Holiday Expo: $765- income from booth rentals
$442.92- income less advertising
Next years date: November 14th (4th Annual)
Being advertised in the Minnesota Art Directory
Referral Program brought in 20 more people
Attendance: over 300

Galleria Open House: Went very well.

Festival of Trees/
Santa Days/
Customer Appreciation: 15 trees this year. Santa Days went really well. Tanya Winter took over 100 pictures. Deb Krusemark said we might want to buy some bigger gifts for next year. Ex. Bikes, Skates, etc.

Park: Phil Corrigan has been busy putting up lights this month. Don Schmidt was going to put up more lights. Deb said that instead of putting up an inflatable Santa, we should put up something more for the whole winter instead. We will come up with a plan in January.

Ice Rink: The ice rink needs to have some work done to it before it is open. Brad Frank is working on this project.

Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, January 17th. We will be meeting with the HEDA group.

The members of the Commerce & Ag Club should bring salads and deserts. HEDA will bring the hot dishes to pass.

5:00 p.m. - Pot Luck meal
6:00 p.m. – Meeting
7:00 p.m. - Entertainment

The meeting was adjourned by Ed Persons. MCU

Respectfully Submitted,

Leigh Verhoeven

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